The training school (which is part of the Young Forum experience) will take place in the weekend preceding the conference (May 7-8, 2022).
The training school is held on the campus of Aalborg University (campus zip code 9220 Aalborg Ø) utilizing seminar and group rooms for lectures and discussions, and lab facilities for hands-on exercises. If you want to attend, please remember to tick the option, when registering. It can be added to your registration at a later stage, as long as we have open seats.
Participation is free for students. Non-students can participate at an extra cost of 160€.
Meals during the training school are free. On Saturday night a free dinner downtown Aalborg is organized.
Aalborg University certifies the attendance, hence you will receive a diploma for your participation.
The following lecturers have been confirmed, see schedule at bottom:

The lecture will explain how a spatial room impulse response (SRIR) is measured with swept sine technique with a microphone arrays. The captured RIRs are then analysed with a parametric method, Spatial Decomposition Method (SDM), to have also direction-of-arrival for every single sample in the RIR. The lecture will show how the analysis works and what kind of visualisations can be done with spatial data. Moreover, spatial sound auralization (of measured SRIRs) techniques are covered.
Prof. Tapio Lokki is a Professor and a Head of the department with the Department of Signal Processing and Acoustics at Aalto University, Helsinki, where he studied acoustics, audio signal processing, and computer science MSc (1997) and a D.Sc.Tech. (2002). The passion of Prof. Lokki is to understand how rooms modify sound that we hear. To pursue the encompassing understanding of room acoustics, his team is investigating auralization, spatial sound reproduction, binaural technology, and novel objective and subjective evaluation methods, as well as physically-based room acoustics modeling methods.

The lecture will address the physics of rooms that we try to model with geometrical acoustics, and how the violations of the underlying assumptions of indefinite boundaries and plane wave propagations may be compensated by models describing the diffractions, resonances and other local reacting phenomena in typical rooms. Some solutions to the most common problems are presented and discussed.
Peter Svensson has been professor of electroacoustics at NTNU, Trondheim, since 1999. MSc in engineering physics (1988) and PhD in acoustics (1994) from Chalmers University, Gothenburg. He has had research stays at Kobe University, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, University of Reading, and University College London. His main research interests are computational room acoustics, 3D audio techniques, measurement techniques, and perceived room acoustical quality.

The lecture will address present day methods for assessment of the hearing status in individuals suffering hearing disorders. The lecture will touch on models that may help characterize such disorders, and help better tailor alleviation for the individual. He will also touch on the potential for cognitive control of future hearing alleviation devices, and the electrophysiological correlates that could command such interaction.
Torsten Dau is a Professor and the head of Hearing Systems at the Department of Health Technology at the Danish Technical University, Lyngby (Copenhagen). He has a BSc in mechanical engineering (1987) from University of Hannover, a MSc (1992) in physics from University of Göttingen, a Ph.D. (1996) from Oldenburg University, where he also obtained the habilitation (2003). Torsten’s research specializations are auditory signal processing and perception in humans, functional models of auditory processing, speech perception, computational scene analysis, auditory evoked potentials, hearing instrument signal processing and aided psychophysics.

The lecture will give an overview of modern hearing-aid technology and address the contemporary challenge of fitting hearing devices to individual users. It will introduce established and upcoming methods that can help in this regard, including psychoacoustic approaches as well as procedures for real-ear measurements for verification and validation purposes .
Tobias Neher is an Associate Professor at the University of Southern Denmark. Prior to that, he held positions as research group leader at the Medical Physics Section, Oldenburg University, Germany and as research engineer and project manager at the Eriksholm Research Centre, Denmark. He has been responsible for several research projects related to audiology and hearing aids, and has collaborated extensively with the hearing aid industry. His undergraduate, postgraduate and postdoctoral studies were in audio engineering, psychoacoustics and spatial audio.

The lecture is concerned with analytical and numerical modelling of wave propagation in and vibration of periodic elastic structures. Although analysis of waveguide properties of periodic structures is a well-established research subject, some issues have not yet been fully addressed in the literature. The aim of the lecture is to illustrate these issues in simple examples and to discuss possible applications and generalisations.
Sergey Sorokin is a Professor at Aalborg University in Denmark. He was trained in ship construction at Leningrad Shipbuilding Institute, Russia (1978), where he received his PhD (1981). He also has a Dr. Techn. From State Attestation Committee at the Ministry Council of Russian Federation (1982). He worked at the State Marine Technical University of St. Petersburg till 2002, where he started at Aalborg University. He has a wide experience in vibro-acoustics, including studies of frequency band-gaps in periodic plates and cylindrical shells with and without heavy fluid loading, just to mention, linear dynamics of elastic helical springs, and more. He is a distinguished member of the Int. Institute of Acoustics and Vibration.


Hands-on sessions
(tentative list)
- Demonstration of SDM in practice (setup in anechoic chamber)
- Real-ear measurements for hearing aid fitting (specialized manikin measurements)
- Presentation of “ACOUCOU – an educational platform in acoustics”