
The former coal power plant that transformed into cultural centre.

Utzon Center

Located on Aalborg’s waterfront with a beautiful view of the Limfjord

Musikkens Hus

A musical gathering point for all of Northern Jutland


Museum of Modern Art

Good to know in Aalborg


May in Denmark is the 4th driest month of the year with an average of 45mm of rain spread across approximately 12 days. Overall, the climate in Aalborg in May can be described as mild and reasonably dry.


Danish currency is ‘kroner’ (DKK), EUR 1 equals DKK 7.44 and USD 1 equals DKK 6.23. Banks are open from Monday-Friday 10AM-4PM. International credit cards are accepted in most places.


Electrical appliances run at 220v/50Hz in Denmark. Electrical outlets use a two-prong plug typical for continental Europe. Most laptops will automatically work with 220-230 volts (check the back of your laptop for power input markings).

Public transport

Local busses run regularly throughout the city, as well as to other towns in the region. A ticket around Aalborg costs approximately 22 DKK per trip and can be bought directly from the bus driver. You can also book your tickets online on Please note that buses do not accept credit cards or foreign currency. It is possible to save money on tickets by buying a 24- or 72-hour Travel Pass online.


Aalborg’s pedestrian streets are like Eldorado for anyone who loves shopping. Do not miss out on the exciting little shops run by young designers and craftspeople – you never know what you will find. Friis Shopping Center has longer opening hours than regular shops; Monday-Friday 10AM-7PM, Saturday and Sunday 10AM-5PM.

Emergency & medical care

In case of emergency, please dial +45 112 to contact ambulance, police, or the fire department. Hotel staff can also direct you to hospitals or dental clinics. For non-emergency illness, the medical authorities recommend consulting a doctor instead of going to the hospital. Your hotel will be able to help you.

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