The venue for the Gala Dinner on Tuesday evening is Restaurant Fauna in the House of Music, situated at the waterfront in Aalborg. The House of Music and the Utzon Center (further west) are new visual landmarks on a harbor front which earlier was characterized by heavy industry, shipyards and silos. Today the harbor is primarily a leisure area, where among other cruise ships dock and the Tall Ships Race is celebrated (every second year). Park and outdoor sports areas are within walking distance along the waterfront.
Restaurant Fauna is on first floor of the House of Music overseeing the waterfront. We will enjoy a sparkling welcome drink in the foyer, before seating. The social dining comprises three servings with a variety of local and international specialties. Wine and coffee are included, but drinks after the dinner cost extra.
Tuesday, May 10th 2022 at 18:00. Address:
Restaurant Fauna, Musikkens Pl. 1, 9000 Aalborg
Separate ticket must be bought through registration (125€).